I will gather my sheep from the far corners of the earth. They will take their rightful place. It is time for them to arise and lead my people. No one will desecrate (defile) the Earth like this again. I have called repeatedly for my people to turn from their sins, to walk righteously but they have failed. For those that are righteous are like fresh dew in the morning, they will ignite a change without fear, want and pride. They are humble leaders, whose love and passion for God far supersedes their flesh desires. I have been watching, searching my remnant few are at hand.
Woe to those who disobey!
Woe to those who are haughty!
Woe to the wicked!
Judgement will fall!
For their sins consumes my earth, my people cry out. I hear their request and I will fulfil the prophecies of old and new! For I am the living God. The creator of all Heaven and Earth!
Spread the news. Let anyone who can hear, let him hear the word of God.
For tragedy lies ahead. Sorrow sits at the door. For he that keeps his heart clean and serves me with all that is in him, will be protected, safe and will enter the kingdom of God. Fear not for I am with thee.
My hand stretches out and covers my people. No harm will come to them, not even the hair on their heads will be touched. For I love them dearly and I see their works. Heaven rejoices as the birth pains spews out the redeemed who will be refined as pure gold ready to serve for eternity. Blessed is He who listens, who seeks my face and who receives my son!
I am coming, with a loud thunderous trumpet, you will hear my son descend from the heavens. The skies will roll up to make way for my armies.
Life and death! He hold the keys. Choose Life, for I give life abundantly. Abide in me and I will abide in you. For you are holy and made holy by my son!
Wheels are turning, clock is ticking. Love, joy, peace when my sheep are gathered.